Tuesday, 9 January 2018

Study Task: Talk This Way

I rather enjoyed the lip sync task as it was a new way of doing it for me. In the past I have created all the phonemes I thought I would need, but I have never made a dope sheet or used the time remapping in After Effects to do it. 

I found creating the dope sheet rather tedious and while filling it out, I just kept thinking I could be already doing it. When I actually started lip syncing, I honestly didn't find the dope sheet very useful at all, I much preferred just having the waveform under my keyframes and scrubbing the timeline. This made it so much quicker for me and made the dope sheet feel like a waste of time. 

I feel that doing the dope sheet would be much more useful and necessary for stop motion or cutout animation, as when animating on a computer, you can always bring in a waveform of the audio and you have the freedom to just play around and experiment.

I am happy with the result and I am gutted that I didn't leave myself enough time to do more detailed and coloured mouth shapes. 

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