Sunday, 14 January 2018

Character & Narrative: Week Sixteen: 8th - 14th January 2018

I started off this week by compositing a few shots that were already coloured. I did this as a break from animating as it was getting rather tiring. I am using premiere to composite most shots, simply because most of them don't require much complex post work so it doesn't need after effects, (also, I am much quicker at working in premiere). Most are consisting of the background, a ground shadow, the character, the lantern glow and then a mask to follow that glow and create the effect that he is lighting up the areas around him and only those areas. This really helps to add the atmosphere of this spooky jungle. 

Shot 23 was one that I started and finished much quicker than I expected. It does still need a few inbetweens, but this shouldn't take long. I then also started shot 24 and got to the point of doing linework for keyframes, but this still requires all of it's inbetweens. 

I also did the inbetweens for shots 11 and most of 14 so that Alex could start colouring them.

As we start to approach the end of the project, I am getting a little worried and stressed if we will manage to get it finished in time. This coming 4 days will be tough to get it done, but I think we should be able to pull it off.

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