Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Major Project 8 - Refining the Edit

In an attempt to cut the film down to a more concise running time, I went on a trimming spree. I watched through the edit multiple times, taking frames away from the beginning and ends of shots. 

I remember hearing about this technique in an interview with the directors of Avengers: Infinity War. They learned when they worked in TV that once they were happy with the structure of the film, they would go through and literally just pull out frames to bring down the total run time. 36 minutes in.

Doing this in my edit, was successful in trimming the film down by around 20 seconds, however I still wanted to trim it further. So I went back through again and was much more aggressive with what I was cutting out. I cut shots that lingered for a bit too long, or just could be shorter and still serve the same purpose. I then found myself cutting a couple of lines which I realised did nothing for the story. I could have not had them in the script in the first place because they weren't really necessary if I had have combed through the script more thoroughly. This helped save me a lot more time, and bring the film to just under 10 minutes.

I am now going to go through and rough out any shot which has effects which might dictate the length of a shot, for example when there are time ramps and laser blast where the speed would change how much the shot needs.

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