Sunday, 22 October 2017

Character & Narrative: Week Four: 16th - 22nd October 2017

We were introduced to the Maya model, Moom. I had fun playing around with this and thought it would be especially useful for planning out our 360 rotating shot at the end of the story. This kind of shot would be very difficult to draw ourselves, but using moom as a pre-vis reference will help tremendously.

As Alex was creating the storyboards, I was scanning them in and putting them together in Premiere to create the animatic. I was doing basic timings based on instinct before I added sound effects. For the time being I am only adding ambient background sounds and I will add more specific detail sounds once I have a much clearer example of timings like footsteps and other interactions with the environment. 

I also created a shot tracker and schedule in Google Sheets for the project. The shot tracker lets us tick off what stage each shot is at, giving us a visual representation of how far along the project is and if anything is lagging behind. The scheduling is then based on how complex certain shots are versus how many weeks we have. I'm strangely proud of these minor aspects of the planning as time management is something I have continually stated needed personally improving.

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