Sunday, 14 May 2017

Applied Animation: 8th - 14th May 2017

This week was continued work on backgrounds and animating. I was upset to find that the document I'd started for the jungle background had corrupted and wouldn't open, so I had to start this background again. 

We then had the critique on tuesday. It was unfortunate that any feedback we received was either about it simply being unfinished or things that we already planned on adding. So this crit wasn't as useful to our group as expected.

The most time this week was actually taken up with creating the jungle background. It took a long time to make all the many different layers of trees, though a few nearer the beginning were duplicated and flipped or otherwise distorted, as I got closer to the camera I didn't think I'd be able to get away with doing this. 
Once I had finally finished this background, I imported it into After Effects and displaced all these layers in 3D space. I separated them all by quite large distances to ensure that I got a great feel of depth in the jungle. 

I then finally got into actually animating, I only have 2 characters to animate, the monkey and the spaceman. I thought I should start with the monkey since this is what I'll struggle most with. I'm not confident with drawing animals at all so I knew this would be a challenge. I gathered reference pictures of monkeys swinging but started to narrow down to a chimpanzee. I found a few videos of chimps swinging through trees too. This proved very helpful.

I struggled to draw the chimp consistently. I think I found it hard to draw because it is so close to being a human figure that it makes everything feel wrong and out of proportion. Though I'm not happy with the monkey itself, I am very happy with how it moves and pulls its weight throughout the swings.

The second swing was more difficult because I wanted to have him swinging in a different way but this was hard to work out the physics of how it would actually work.

Going into the final week, I have quite a lot to still do. I need to finish the monkey and composite him into the scene, then do the spaceman floating in space and finish compositing all of that. I then also have to do sound. It's going to be a push but I think I will be able to manage it.

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