Sunday, 5 March 2017

Process and Production: 27th February - 5th March 2017

I continued with more and more animating. Shot 7 is another that took longer than I anticipated. The movements in it weren't too complex but I just kept adding inbetweens because I wasn't happy with the timing of each move. 

The lip syncing at the end of this shot was much more challenging than the previous shot. I was tweaking the timings of each letter to try and get it to look right. I found myself saying 'cha.. champagne' over and over to myself to try and deduce what shapes the mouth made. In the end I am actually really happy with how this shot has ended up. I think the movements are well flowing and expressive. I think that I could use more overlapping action with the hair. I think the first shot I did involved a lot but then I have been forgetting to add much in since. I do like the way it works in this shot but I am going to have to keep in mind to exaggerate it more in later shots. 

This week I also did my pixilation animation. See pixilation blog post.

I then started work on the last two main shots of the man. Shot 9 and 11. Since I feel that I am running short on time, I am going to prioritise getting the linework of each shot completed so that I will at least have a basic version of every shot if I do happen to run out of time. I rendered the audio reference for the remaining shots and set them up in Animate documents to start. Shot 9 is quite a simple one. Once his jaw drops to the table there is no more movement throughout that shot. Also, I don't really want to create many inbetweens for this shot since I want his movement to be quite shocking and sudden. I want it to really forcefully slam onto the table. I can then add some reinforcing action by means of cutlery bouncing and the camera shaking.

Shot 11 will be relatively simple as well with him only having very quick frantic head turns until he flies off the back of the chair. I still filmed a reference video to be able to capture the panic on his face but I don't intend many inbetweens and I'm imagining  doing the fall using smears to communicate the speed. 

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