I composited everything in the animation. I really enjoy this part of the process as it is so satisfying seeing everything finally come together. Some issues I faced in this were the sheer file sizes of the final segment. Since there was such immense zooms between extreme wide shots and close ups, the file had to be very big in order to preserve quality when zoomed in. This caused the process to take a bit longer than it should have done, but there really wasn't much to be done about it other than using a better computer.
I had some issues rendering the final film in which it would fail at the same point every time. After much dissecting, I discovered that it was the backgrounds characters in the fight scene that was making it crash once they appeared in the composition. Unfortunately I didn't have time to work out the issue and still render in time, so the final film is without the crowd on the ship at the end. This is a shame since I think it really added to the scene, but I will definitely fix this for myself after the hand in. This kind of issue again comes down to time management. If we had been on schedule, I would have had time to fix the issue and keep the characters in. I feel bad because of Andy's hard work in creating the character assets, and Nicole who animated them.
I am really happy with the finished result of our film and I think it really tells the story of blackbeard's death in a very informative way that someone with no prior knowledge would find it interesting and educational.
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